What’s in a name? Most people know the aster as a colorful perennial flower, but the story of the aster is much deeper than that. Derived from the Greek and Latin words for “star” due to its distinct shape, the aster was revered as a sacred flower by the Ancient Greeks and Romans, who often decorated shrines with aster wreaths.
The aster was even important enough to merit its own origin story within the Greek pantheon. Although the details vary, the aster was said to have been created by the tears of the goddess Astraea, who wept when she realized how few stars there were in the sky. In one version, Astraea wept after Jupiter flooded the world of man leaving only two faithful mortals to rebuild amid the desolation. Her tears formed asters that turned the bleak landscape into a panoply of color and beauty, a touch of the divine to remind us of nature’s inherent splendor and capacity for renewal.
But the aster’s beauty transcends time and culture, and many other myths arose to explain the supernatural beauty of these enchanting wildflowers. Another myth from the Cherokee tells of two sisters, fleeing from a pair of warring tribes, who sought the help of an Herb Woman blessed by the gods with the power to brew powerful potions. After looking into the future and seeing no escape for the two young women, the wise Herb Woman used her power to turn them into flowers, and thus the aster was born.
These and other poignant myths share several meaningful themes – the divine blessing humankind with enduring beauty, the protecting and nurturing influence of feminine power, and nature’s capacity for transformation and renewal. These themes are powerful regardless of era or culture, touching upon fundamental truths that only metaphor and myth can reveal.
That is what inspired us to name ourselves Aster Society. Our philosophy is simple – spread beauty, encourage sustainability, and help women empower each other. Who knew all that could be in a name?
Aster Real on Apr 28, 2023
Hi my Name is Aster
I think this is amazing work and thank you for helping me find out more about the history of my name and how important it was for a lot of different cultures.I’m humbled to know a have a special name.
Heidi on Dec 28, 2020
Seems not only the jewelry but the name embodies the feminine spirit!